Saturday, September 4, 2010

one week holiday~

yea~! one week holiday going to be started...
but me can't holiday =(
assignment need to be start processing...
case study need to start read...
FRS need to study @@

a lot more work need to do...
last Friday and Saturday...
we had some fun with the juniors...
joking around and playing around...

badminton seem to be a sport sessions in my life..
book seem to be a bible that need to read....
assignment seem to be the stressed job in my life...

By the ways, organizing a thing is so damn bloody difficulties...
because others will had their family holiday...
and some of them will be busy...
@@ headache.... but dono why I prefer to organizing it... haha...

tomorrow will be Sunday...
normally christian will had Sunday school and had their praying going on...
but the sad part of my case is...
going to college for a lecturing....
Come on ~! Sunday lecture?? sux..

(Ps: Congrats to Huei , swallow a table medical)
(Ps: hate my lung getting uncomfortable ways of sleeping)